

从什么是美国志愿队到职位工资多少, 我们有你最迫切的问题的答案. 阅读我们的常见问题解答,如果您有更多问题,请直接与我们联系.

AmeriCorps is the United States’ system for people to serve communities across the country — from classrooms to the outdoors to everything in between. 在美国志愿队, you can learn 和 apply new skills as you give back to your community, 国家和国家通过公共服务. Since its creation in 1994, more than a million people have served in AmeriCorps.


People who join AmeriCorps (called “members”) provide direct service in the areas of education, 灾难服务, 经济机会, 环境管理, 健康的未来, 还有退伍军人和军人家属. Here in Minnesota, there are hundreds of opportunities to get involved.


  • 帮助孩子成为自信的读者 
  • 为学生准备高中数学
  • 帮助从物质使用障碍中恢复的人
  • 辅导和指导弱势青年
  • 建设和恢复经济适用房
  • 教授计算机和就业技能
  • 清洁公园和溪流
  • 还有更多!

会员可以为非营利组织服务, 州和地方政府单位, 公立和特许学校, 高等澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端机构, 土著部落等等. AmeriCorps members are serving across the 状态 in 82 of Minnesota’s 87 counties.

点击这里 查看我们所有美国志愿队项目的清单.

ServeMinnesota is the Minnesota State Commission for National 和 Community Service, meaning we oversee all of the 状态 programs with AmeriCorps members. We are responsible for awarding Federal AmeriCorps 和 State funds to support high quality AmeriCorps programs that have proven, 对明尼苏达州关键社区需求产生了可衡量的影响. 除了, ServeMinnesota提供监控, training 和 technical assistance to AmeriCorps programs in Minnesota.

What qualifications do you need to have to be an AmeriCorps member?


你一定是美国人.S. 美国公民或美国国民或合法永久居民.S.

•您必须年满17岁, although some service opportunities require an individual to be at least 18. 大多数节目都没有年龄上限.

•有些项目需要经验, a certain level of educational achievement or skills in certain areas.

All of our programs offer training to help you feel confident 和 prepared to serve. 


在全职工作的会员会得到一个 最低 living allowance of at least $16,000 during their year of service.  

This living allowance is to be evenly distributed over the member’s service term 和 is not tied directly to the hours served (i.e. 不是计时工资). Members also serve in part‐time 和 summer positions 和 receive a pro-rated living allowance. Members serving in a full‐time capacity are eligible for health insurance 和 may be eligible for child care reimbursements depending on family size 和 income.

After completing their terms of service, full‐time members receive an 澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端奖项 of up to $6,345 (based on 2021 rates) to pay for higher education or qualified student loans. 兼职会员获得一个按比例的奖励. Federal Student loans are eligible for forbearance during service 和 the accrued interest will be repaid in addition to the Education Award.


The 澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端奖项 for full-time service in 2021-22 program year is $6,345. 兼职职位的澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端奖励是按比例发放的. AmeriCorps members can earn up to the value of two full-time awards through multiple terms of service. 了解更多.


Each AmeriCorps program in Minnesota has a different application, deadline 和 hiring process. 审查 我们的节目列表 如果你对某个项目感兴趣, 去该项目的网站了解更多关于如何申请的信息. 你也可以 皇冠官方APP客户端的招聘团队 有问题吗?!

如何使用澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端奖? 如果我没上大学怎么办?

你可以用澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端奖励来支付助理的学费, 在合格学校的本科或研究生学习. 不过,还有很多其他的用法:

  • 书籍、大学学费和其他澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端必需品
  • 获得认可的学院和大学课程的在线课程
  • Purchase a laptop that you will use in school (note that the computer would have to be purchased through the college — for example, 从技术租赁到拥有计划)
  • Pay off existing student loans (just make sure these are qualified federal loans rather than private bank loans)
  • A combination of current educational expenses 和 repay qualified student loans
  • 留学项目费用
  • 课程在一个专门的技能-编码, EMT培训, 手语认证, 摄像及摄影, 某些教学证书和许多其他项目, 通常在社区大学提供
  • 与学徒计划相关的费用

If you are 55 or older 和 not planning to continue your education, 你可以把澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端奖转给你的孩子, 继子, foster child or gr和child for any 和 all of these educational expenses, 太. If you transfer the award, that person has 10 years from date you completed your service to use it. (也, 你只能转一次给一个人, 但你不需要把所有的东西都转移,理论上是这样的, you might be able to take a class with your child or gr和child for free!)

另外, some colleges 和 universities even will match your AmeriCorps Education Award. 在明尼苏达州,这包括 明尼苏达大学 汉弗莱公共事务学院, 奥格斯堡大学 肯考迪娅University-St. 保罗, Macalester College, 米切尔·哈姆林法学院, St大学. 托马斯。. No industry-wide st和ard exists for matching awards; some schools match the amount of the 澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端奖项, some schools offer scholarships in set amounts that remain constant regardless of the amount of 澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端奖项 earned. 一些机构提供持续的奖学金, 而另一些则只提供一次性奖励. Check with your college or university to learn their policy 和 how they apply the matching funds.


Members who have federal student loans may qualify for forbearance, 或推迟, 在他们的任期内. 在你的服务期满后, the National Service Trust will pay part or all of the interest that accrues during forbearance. 这是对你的澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端奖的补充.


是的. Members who serve 35 hours a week or more receive individual health care benefits with 100 percent of the monthly premium covered. 


Many high school graduates take a gap year to serve in AmeriCorps between high school graduation 和 college (or whatever is next). 你想了解更多吗? 观看我们关于 为什么你应该在美国志愿队度过间隔年 或者读到 参加过美国志愿队间隔年的高中毕业生 毕业后. 

我可以在美国服务队兼职吗? 或者只在夏天?

是的. 一些美国服务队项目只提供夏季职位. 许多项目提供兼职和全职的机会.


类似于实习, we offer service opportunities that will build your professional skills 和 knowledge in a wide array of areas. Some of the top areas of expertise to build through service are in education, 公共政策, 卫生政策, 社会正义, 人力资源,  技术, 环境, 和更多的. 无论你选择哪个项目, AmeriCorps will help you develop the soft skills that employers are looking for – e.g., teamwork, leadership, verbal 和 written communication, problem solving, adaptability.


多态, 状态, 当地和部落的受助人招募新兵, train 和 manage AmeriCorps members in direct service 和 capacity building activities to address unmet community needs in six focus areas:  education, 健康的未来, 清洁能源/环境, 退伍军人和军人家属, 灾难服务, 经济机会. 美国志愿队成员帮助组织扩展服务, 建设能力, 发展合作关系, 利用资源, 创建可持续发展的项目, 招募和管理其他志愿者. 每年, 美国服务队成员为数以千计的非营利组织服务, 以信仰为基础的, 以及社区组织, 帮助他们扩大影响力,更好地完成使命.  These powerful service experiences also help AmeriCorps members develop lifelong civic engagement.

Are you part of an organization that would like to apply for an AmeriCorps grant? Please visit our “Grants” section to learn about the requirements, application process 和 deadlines.



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